Running & Racing on Your Period – A Game Changer!

For years, I’ve scoured running forums, Facebook groups, and personal recommendations to find the best way to manage my period during long training runs and races. If you’re an endurance athlete with a heavy flow, you know how challenging it can be to find a solution that works.

I’m over 40 and deal with endometriosis, and the first couple of days of my period are brutally heavy. I’ve traditionally relied on menstrual cups + period underwear, but over the past year, my cup has failed me, and period underwear has been more of a sweaty, uncomfortable hassle than a solution. I wanted something that would keep me feeling dry, secure, and worry-free during my toughest training sessions.

My Struggles with Period Protection While Running

For years, I stuck with a menstrual cup, which worked well until it… didn’t. Whether it was positioning, flow changes, or just my body shifting with age, I started experiencing leaks that made long runs a stressful experience. Period underwear? While it’s a great backup for some, it just wasn’t working for me. Between sweat, bodily fluids, and the chafing risk, I was ready to find something better.

I had tried menstrual discs in the past, but no matter what I did, they wouldn’t stay in place. I chalked it up to my cervix positioning and moved on. But then, after seeing recommendations in various running groups, I decided to give them another try—this time with a more strategic approach.

The Game-Changer: Finding the Right Menstrual Disc

This is where things finally turned around! I took the Period Nirvana menstrual disc test and was matched with the Hello Disc from Hello Period. Unlike the other discs I had tried, this one had a tab for easy removal and a self-emptying feature (yes, really!) when I squat to, well, you know...

The Real Test: Running on My Heaviest Days

I put it to the ultimate test—long runs on my two heaviest days. Here’s what happened:

No leaks. At all.
No discomfort. I actually forgot I was on my period!
It self-emptied (mostly) when I squatted.
No need for period underwear or backup protection.
On day two, I even ran without backup (risky, I know), and it was fine!

I can’t tell you how free it felt to run without the constant worry of leaks, discomfort, or that dreaded “uh-oh” moment miles away from the nearest bathroom. It was a game-changer in every sense of the word!

What’s Next? Finding a Solution for Cramps

While I finally feel like I’ve mastered my flow during training and races, the next frontier is tackling the severe cramps from endometriosis. If anyone has found a strategy—whether it’s supplements, nutrition, or another trick—I’d love to hear it!

Final Thoughts

If you’ve been struggling to find the right solution for running during your period, don’t give up! It took me years to get it right, but now I feel more confident and comfortable running through my cycle than ever before. If menstrual discs haven’t worked for you in the past, try taking a test like the one on Period Nirvana to find a fit that matches your anatomy.


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